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Tooth Infection

Understanding Tooth Infections

Tooth infections (also known as dental abscesses) are serious dental problems that can cause severe pain and health complications if they are not treated quickly. The Maryland Center for Complete Dentistry in Owings Mills, MD, is dedicated to treating and diagnosing tooth infections with precision and care. Dr. Silverman, along with our team of experienced professionals, are here to help. We aim for you to feel better, get rid of the infection and restore your dental health.

What Causes Tooth Infections?

When bacteria reach the innermost part, or pulp, of the tooth (the tooth), they can cause an infection. Untreated cavities, fractures, cracks in the teeth, or advanced gum diseases can cause this. The pulp can become infected and cause an abscess, a painful pus-filled pocket that forms in the gums or at the root.

Recognizing the Symptoms

Early recognition of the symptoms is crucial to obtaining timely treatment. A tooth infection can be identified by:

  • A severe, throbbing pain in the tooth may extend to the neck, jaw, or ear.
  • Swelling in the cheek or face indicates the spread of infection.
  • Sensitivity of foods and beverages to heat and cold
  • Pain while chewing or biting on the affected teeth
  • Fever can indicate a serious infection.
  • Bad taste or bad breath due to dripping pus in the mouth.
  • Tender, swollen lymph nodes located under the jaw or neck.

You should contact Dr. Silverman as soon as you notice any of these symptoms for an assessment and treatment.

Treatment Options for Tooth Infections

We offer comprehensive dental treatment to treat tooth infections at the Maryland Center for Complete Dentistry.

  • Root Canal Therapy: This procedure is performed to remove the infected tooth pulp, clean and disinfect the root canals and seal the tooth.
  • Incision & Drainage: Dr. Silverman can perform an incision & drainage procedure for abscesses to relieve pain and remove pus.
  • Antibiotics: In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed to control an infection, particularly if the infection has spread outside the tooth.
  • Tooth Extraction: In the event that the tooth cannot be saved and is infected, it may be necessary to extract the tooth to prevent further complications.

How to Prevent Tooth Infections

Preventing tooth infections and the associated pain is essential. Schedule regular dental examinations with Dr. Silverman and maintain good oral hygiene. Early treatment of dental problems such as cracked or decayed teeth can help prevent infection.

Why it is Important to Treat Tooth Infections

Ignoring an infection in the mouth can have serious consequences. The infection may spread to other areas of the body. We at The Maryland Center for Complete Dentistry stress the importance of prompt treatment to maintain your health and a pain-free, healthy smile.

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Schedule a Consultation

Do not wait to get treatment if you suspect that you have an infection. Early intervention is crucial for preventing complications and maintaining your oral health. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Silverman, contact The Maryland Center for Complete Dentistry, located in Owings Mills, MD. Call (410) 356-8400 or request an appointment online.

FAQs About Tooth Infections

  • What should I do when I suspect I have an infection in my tooth?

     If you suspect an infection, it is important to seek immediate dental care. To schedule an appointment, please contact our office. Early treatment is important to prevent infection spread and complications.

  • Can a dental infection disappear on its on?

    No, it will not. Untreated, the infection can get worse over time. To eliminate the infection and to prevent further damage, professional dental treatment is required.

  • Is root canal treatment painful?

    No, it is not. Modern techniques and anesthesia allow most patients to experience minimal discomfort during treatment. The procedure relieves pain from the infection.

  • How can I avoid future tooth infections?

    Good oral hygiene is the key to preventing infection. Brushing and flossing daily is important. Avoiding sugary drinks and foods, as well as scheduling regular dental examinations with Dr. Silverman, are also recommended. By addressing dental problems, like cracked or decayed teeth, as soon as possible, you can prevent infection.

  • What happens if you don't treat your tooth infection?

    If left untreated a dental infection can spread throughout your body including to your neck, jaw and vital organs. This can cause serious health problems. To protect your health, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

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