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7 Reasons to Get a Regular Dental Cleaning

Dr. Silverman • Jul 17, 2023

Are you wondering if dental cleanings are really that important? Read here for seven reasons you should get a regular dental cleaning.

Dental Cleaning, Dentist in Owings Mills MD

28% of American adults skipped at least one form of medical care in 2022. That number is up from 24% in 2021. The most common reason was that the cost was too high.

21% of these skipped procedures were dental services. This is a distributing trend because even preventative ones such as cleanings are too important to miss. They improve your smile and have a major impact on your overall health.

Read on for seven reasons to get a regular dental cleaning from a dentist in Owings Mill, MD.

1. Preventing Cavities

The dreaded cavity may be one of the first oral health terms you ever heard as a child. They're caused by plaque, a white film that builds up on your teeth and dissolves them.

This leads to permanently damaged areas on the surface of your teeth. They develop into openings or holes.

They're the most common oral health condition in the world. 26% of adults and 13% of children suffer from them.

Signs of a cavity include:

  • Discoloration
  • Spots 
  • Toothaches
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Bad breath

You may or may not have these symptoms, but they'll only get worse without treatment. The cavity can even progress into an infected pocket of puss known as an abscess.

Dental cleanings help spot them before they become severe. Your dentist can do periodontal probing to take measurements of your gum tissue or an X-ray to see how developed they are. 

They'll also prevent further cavities from developing. Plaque that's been left alone hardens into tartar. It can't be removed with regular oral care such as brushing and flossing but requires a dentist's specialized tools.

2. Preventing Gum Disease

Gum disease is also known as gingivitis or periodontal disease if it becomes severe. It doesn't always cause pain but can cause your gums to swell, bleed, become sore, or recede. You may also experience toothaches, sensitivity, loose teeth, or bad breath.

Plaque, the same material that causes cavities, also causes gum disease. Certain behaviors such as smoking or having a poor, sugary diet also contribute to it.

A dental cleaning removes the plaque and tartar that caused the gum disease. It lets your gums heal before they cause further issues.

3. Stopping Tooth Loss

Losing a baby tooth is a milestone for a child, but even they lose permanent teeth. The situation is no better for adults.

Conditions such as cavities and gum disease are the most common culprits. Plaque can move down into the bones of the jaw and cause your teeth to loosen and fall out.

Regular cleanings are the roadblock that keeps it from getting this far. It also prevents instances where a tooth hangs on in your mouth but is so decayed that they need to come out or be worked on. You'll be able to maintain a complete smile without time-consuming procedures such as extractions and root canals.

4. Freshening Your Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, may seem like a trivial issue. The truth is that it can be a sign of poor oral health.

It's caused by plaque, tartar, stains, and other damage. Even a perfect oral care routine isn't always enough to remove it without the help of a dentist.

5. Brightening Your Smile

Getting a dental cleaning at least twice a year can also have cosmetic benefits. They're a quicker and more affordable way to whiten your teeth when compared to whitening toothpaste or treatments.

Your dentist can remove stains from products such as tobacco, coffee, or tea. You'll leave with polished teeth and walk out feeling confident.

6. Utilizing Your Dental Benefits

77 million Americans have no dental insurance. 65% of them avoid dental care due to cost, and so do 48% of those who are insured. 

Having a policy has been shown to increase the likelihood that patients will go see the dentist. Why not get the most use out of it?

Regular cleanings are one of the best ways to do that. They're typically covered by a small copayment or may even be free. They'll save you money in the long run because you'll avoid more costly and time-consuming procedures.

7. Early Detection of Health Problems

Cleanings are only one type of preventative procedure. What makes them so effective is that they can be combined with other preventative care that improves your dental health and overall health by checking for various conditions.

Oral Cancer

One of the most important is oral cancer screenings. It's a difficult condition to spot because it only shows symptoms in later stages. That's part of what makes it one of the most deadly.

Approximately 476,125 patients were diagnosed with oral cancer in 2020. That number has risen to 54,540 in 2023. The death rate was 225,900 in 2020 and is estimated to rise to 11,580 in 2023.

Finding the right dentist in Owings Mills MD makes the process go more smoothly. They'll already know about you and can start the screening by looking at factors such as your:

  • Family history
  • Age
  • HPV exposure
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoking and tobacco use

It then includes an examination of the mouth, gums, tongue, throat, tonsils, and soft tissue. Oral cancer can show up anywhere and needs to be checked for throughout the mouth. 

Other Conditions

A dentist who knows you well will also offer personalized advice and treatments for other conditions you may be at risk for. Nearly 60 other health problems are related to gum disease, including diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. 

A dental cleaning is not a treatment, but the early detection it provides is what matters. It can even save your life.

Where to Get a Dental Cleaning in Owings Mills

A dental cleaning seems like a procedure you can skip but is one of the most important preventative procedures you can do to improve your oral health.

It prevents oral health issues such as cavities, gum disease, and lost teeth. It leaves your smile sparkling and breath fresh. It can even help detect other conditions such as oral cancer and diabetes.

Our dentists are experienced in a range of preventative procedures. We also offer affordable cosmetic and restorative procedures. We're here to help improve your oral health.

Schedule an appointment with a dentist in Owings Mills, Maryland today.

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